10 minute audio-visual recording of ‘harmonic environment’, four channels converted into stereo |
The non-durational live generative work ‘harmonic environment’ is an audio-visual system based on the interconnected decentralisation inherent to natural chaotic structures. In its aesthetic foundation it is referential to the characteristic qualities of noise.

White noise is known as a random, harsh, unpleasant burst of sound, often visually accompanied by an unordered black and white flickering image. The intrinsic quality of white noise however bares a fascinating impartiality. Its fundamental characteristic is that of equal energy or volume over frequency. This means, each frequency within the audible spectrum is represented to the same measure within the stream of sound. The name white noise itself is referential to white light, a combination of all coloured lights within the visible band. The optical representation of white noise thus follows a similar pattern; equal distribution of lights of different wavelengths in randomly varying strength.
‘Harmonic environment’ is artistically based on this fundamental principal of equality inherent to white noise, and as such has no structural focal point. The arrangement of the work is rather centred on the deliberate lack of domination by any one part within the audiovisual drone. This absence of ascendancy in its elemental fabric permits emergence and self-organisation amongst its individual components. Frequencies, rhythms, colours and patterns, within the current of the generative work, momentarily materialize only to disintegrate into the broad stream of sensory stimulus. A myriad of possible change and correlation is achieved through temporary elevation of individual elements within the time-based spectacle. |
Modelled on the improvising quality of nature itself, the underlying system, in its state of equilibrium, is both unpredictable and stable in its aesthetic flow. All parameters of the visual and acoustic development within the work are controlled by individual Microsystems. The construct thereby has no central control mechanism, but rather functions as a web of interacting comparable |
units compelled by feedback. The influence and reaction of these individual elements on each other thus determine the current state of the entirety. Change within the system derives from the interplay of the immediate past of its components with the present state. The natural sensitivity governing the continuous interaction of such interconnected environments propels the system as a whole towards infinite diversity and regeneration.

Installed as part of 'Surface Arts at SLUICE 2015', (site specific installation of projection screen, 120 x 67.5 cm, with wire suspension) Bargehouse, Southbank, London, UK. |